
Definition of recursively computed squared error cost functions (such as Cost Segments and Composite Costs), all based on ALSSMs

Module Attributes


Sets the recursion direction in a Segment to backward, use BACKWARD or BW


Sets the recursion direction in a Segment to backward, use BACKWARD or BW


Sets the recursion direction in a Segment to forward, use FORWARD or FW


Sets the recursion direction in a Segment to forward, use FORWARD or FW


create_rls(cost[, multi_channel_set, ...])

Returns a 'Recursive Least Squares Object' according to the provided parameters.

map_trajectories(trajectories, ks, K[, ...])

Maps trajectories at indices ks into a common target output vector of length K.

map_windows(windows, ks, K[, merge_ks, ...])

Maps the window amplitudes of one or multiple Segment to indices ks into a common target output vector of length K.


CompositeCost(alssms, segments, F, **kwargs)

Quadratic cost function defined by a conjunction one or multiple of Alssm and Segment


Constrain Matrix Generator


Abstract baseclass for CostSegment and CompositeCost

CostSegment(alssm, segment, **kwargs)

Quadratic cost function defined by an ALSSM and a Segment.

RLSAlssm(cost_model, **kwargs)

Filter and Data container for Recursive Least Sqaure Alssm Filters


Base Class for Recursive Least Square Alssm Classes

RLSAlssmSet(cost_model[, kappa_diag])

Filter and Data container for Recursive Least Sqaure Alssm Filters using Sets (multichannel parallel processing)

RLSAlssmSetSteadyState(cost_model[, ...])

Filter and Data container for Recursive Least Sqaure Alssm Filters using Sets in Steady State Mode

RLSAlssmSteadyState(cost_model[, ...])

Filter and Data container for Recursive Least Sqaure Alssm Filters in Steady State Mode

Segment(a, b, direction, g[, delta, label, ...])

Segment represents a window of finite or infinite interval borders used to select and weight signal samples in a cost function.