
lmlib.utils.beta.load_source_csv(filename, time_format=None, K=- 1, k=0, ch_select=None)#

Loads time series from csv file with/without header section.

File format:

# Description Line 1
# ...
# Description Line n
time,         signal1, signal2, ...
00:00:20.000, 10.34,   11.09, ...
  • Description: the file can start with an (optional) description section, prefixed with an ‘#’

  • Header: The data table can start with an (optional) column labels. A header line is detected, if the first data line starts with a non-nummeric character

  • Data: float values separated by either ',',';','\space','\tab'; first column commonly contains the time; either as float (seconds) or as ‘hh:mm:ss.ttt’; the later will be converted to floats (in seconds).

  • filename (string) – csv file to be loaded

  • time_format (string) – Format string to be used to decode first line: “H:M:S” (e.g., 00:02:01.123) or None (e.g. 1.12)

  • K (int) – Length of signal to be loaded or -1 to load until end of file. If K is larger than the maximal signal length, an assertion is raised.

  • k (int) – Signal load start index. If k is larger than the maximal signal length, an assertion is raised.

  • ch_select (int, list, None) – int: channel index to be loaded in single channel mode. list: List of M channels to be loaded in multi channel mode. Selects channel indices to be loaded from multi-channel signals. 0 <= ch_select < Number of CSV columns. If set to None, all channels are loaded in multi channel mode and M = Number of CSV columns. First column in the CSV file is addressed as channel 0, and contains the time, if time_format is set accordingly.



  • col_labels: list of column labels; if csv does not provide column headers, headers are set as 'col1','col2','col3', ... * NOT YET IMPLEMENTED *

  • data: (ndarray, shape=(K[, M])) – Multi-channel signal of shape=(K, M) if ch_select is of type list, single-channel signal of shape=(K, ) if ch_select is of type `int.

Return type

Tuple (col_labels, data)