Where to find the lmlib library?
What is lmlib?
The lmlib project brings mathematical model-based signal analysis methods to the application level. It makes them freely available as open-source software. The lmlib project includes Python source code, documentation
, examples
of how to use lmlib, and scientific reference publications
. The lmlib project was initiated by the Signal and Information Processing Laboratory (ISI) at ETH Zurich. It is supported by several institutions
What is the lmib.society?
The lmlib.society is the association behind the project, which constantly drives the development of the library and guarantees its long-term maintenance and financing. You can support this with an annual subscription by becoming a member of lmlib.society.
Dr. sc. ETH, Dr. med. Reto Wildhaber (See FHNW)
Professor for Digitale Biomarker and Signal Analysis